Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dreaming of becoming a Rounder

So, here I am at the keyboard and as always, I have a million things to say but not really sure what to stupid is that. Now I know that many would be surprised to hear that I am at a loss for words but when it comes to putting it on paper it is hard to do at times.

Seeing as we are heading to Vegas tomorrow morning I will talk a little more about this place that, to be quite honest is a place that I could live in. I know it is super hot there, and dry and dusty but the allure of the big money is something I dream about a lot. In a perfect world I would live there 6 months a year and then live somewhere tropical for the other 6 months, maybe Mexico, Bahamas, Caribbean....somewhere warm and sunny. I do like living in Victoria, but as I get older I am drawn to warmer climates.

To earn a living in Vegas playing poker is a dream I have had for a few years now. I have been entrenched in the poker scene here in British Columbia for the last 6 years and I feel that I have made an impact here in Victoria in regards to the poker industry as a whole. With the numerous tournaments I have run, to the British Columbia Amateur Poker League I started, I feel that the poker community in Victoria is an exciting, vibrant and often entertaining one and to think that I may have had a hand in building this is wonderful. I have met so many interesting, fun, and friendly people through all of this and I feel very privileged to say that I have made many new friends. It is very hard to go anywhere in Victoria and not see someone I know. This is kinda cool as it is nice to have friends around.

I read a lot about poker, the life of a rounder (which means someone making a living in poker) is a tough one. Tough grind everyday, battling the ups and downs of the game. The constant ebb and flow of lady luck is one that not everyone can handle. To go one day earning thousands of dollars to maybe going a week of having losing sessions can be hard on one's confidence. Money management, or bankroll management as it is known is so important. If you have to rely on your winnings to survive then you need to be smart with it. A smart player can certainly enjoy a nice healthy income and lifestyle if managed correctly. With all of the deals, comps, and such that can be had in Vegas you can live pretty good in regards to food, and cost of living.

Maybe one day this can happen, but for now I trudge along in the 9 to 5 world moving towards my retirement. I am halfway there and with my poker business I have created a very nice situation of having some disposable income that has Leanne and I enjoying life immensely.

Aren't dreams fun? I do realize tho that I need to write them down to become a reality. I once read that a goal is only a dream that hasn't been written down on paper yet. Time to start analyzing things differently. If I expect change in my life then I have to start doing things differently.....if nothing changes....then nothing changes!!!!!


  1. I'm SO EXCITED about us going away together tomorrow! It has been a tough week for me and I just want to say thank you for sharing your shoulder for me to lean on, putting up with my anxiety with my breast scare and wiping away my tears. I love you Rob.
    Viva Las Vegas xo

  2. One of my Mentor's used to always say, "A goal is a dream with a deadline!!" She would then add, "Visualize it, be super specific and descriptive and put a date on it". It has worked bunch of times for me - so here I am passing it along. . . have fun in Vegas you two!!
