Friday, July 10, 2009

Don't want it, don't need it, ain't gonna do it...

I find it so hard some times to sit back and listen to the negative things that we are bombarded with every day. Listening to the news, watching TV, reading the paper gets to be such an over filled bowl of shyte. Everywhere we turn, everything we hear and see, we are constantly reminded of so much negativity. I do realize that we are a sensationalistic culture and we are always drawn to the odd and sometimes disturbing events and things in life. We all do it. We slow down while driving past a car accident. Look at the lineup of traffic on the highway when there is an accident. There could be absolutely nothing happening, but as long as there are lights flashing, we slow down hoping to get a glimpse of someone else's misfortune so that we can say to our friends and family...."Oh, you wouldn't believe what I just saw". This saddens me but it is human nature. We are an inquisitive bunch that just can't deny our interests in the macabre. Do we really need to see blood splattered all over the road, or worse yet, someone lying dead, their bodies smunched beyond recognition. What kind of perverse pleasure is there in that....and yet we all do it.

What kind of world would it be if we turned on the radio or TV and heard nothing but positives and happy endings. Isn't that something that would make things a little nicer??? Seems a little unrealistic tho. Rose coloured skies, that is my world. It never rains on my parade because I don't let it. I do understand that it can happen tho. At times I have found my self getting down or feeling bogged down with the pressures of life. What I refuse to do tho is let it get to me, especially if it means bringing it on to someone else. If we could all take responsibility for the things we do, say, or how we act and quit blaming others around us, maybe then, will the negativity disappear. Try this sometime. The moment you find yourself sliding into anything less than a positive mode, stop for a second and think first how your thoughts will be perceived and the outcome you are expecting. Are you complaining because you just need someone to vent to, or are you complaining so you will get noticed for your shortcomings and whatever it is that is bringing you down. I think a lot of times people are so accustomed to accepting the negatives that they then are quite happy to bitch, but do nothing for themselves to alleviate the issues.

I know I am guilty of it. I complain about being a big guy. What do I do about it? I talk about exercising and cutting back on all the things that I know are not good for me, but in the end I don't. Should I blame the companies out there for making cookies taste so good. Are they the ones in fact who should be liable for the calories I am consuming. Of course not. I need to take control of the things I do....I need to own them and only then can I become at ease with them. Bitching about it only lowers me to the same level as to all the people out there that I truly abhor. I have no room in my life for negativity. Don't want it, don't need it, ain't gonna do it...

Be responsible people for your actions. If you pull the trigger and shoot someone, don't blame drugs, or alcohol or your boss, or whatever other excuse you are finding for not accepting your responsibilities of your actions.

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