Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thank God for political

How do we define what is right and what is wrong? I am often perplexed at this one. Is this an issue that can be tackled in a short blog and have it do any justice to the subject. I don't know. What I do know is that the world is one fucked up place at times and we are constantly being bombarded with all of it's crap. I see countries that are at war with one another and have been for what seems like forever. Now, to get this straight, I have never or will never be a political or religious person and I do not profess to have any great knowledge of it so don't misconstrue what I am saying. I am just thinking outloud and for no other reason than to throw some other ways of thinking out there.

Whew, here we go...and I know this is going to stir up some issues with some.

Look at all of the things that we do on a daily basis that we have based our values, our morals, our judgements on. How things ever got to the point where our values, morals and judgements are based on what it says in some book that was written a long time ago amazes me. Have we not evolved enough to know that the world was not created by some mythical being and that it, along with everything else on the planet is forever evolving, adapting, changing into whatever it needs to for survival. I can't and will never be sucked into the church's views and thoughts. It just doesnt make sense to me. I am a very black and white person and I find it very hard to believe in a higher being. Now with that said, I am certainly aware of a person's energy and how it can affect everything we do, but that is not from some book or someone's opinion.

What really gets me is how the words, thoughts, and judgements have turned our lives upside down and how we can't always be who or what we want to be because of that little book. What makes that book right? What makes it wrong? Two tough questions. I am not here to tell you what is right or wrong, because only when we look at ourselves and what we do, can we really tell if what it is we are doing is right or wrong. In that I mean that if you can see yourself doing something that is out of the norm, and you are not hurting anyone, not bringing discomfort or pain to someone else then is it wrong. This conjures up all sorts of images, thoughts etc. and it can really be used for anything at all. Don't you think that the person who commits a crime is wrong in doing what they are doing? Of course they are but why? Is it because of some greater being or person has decided that robbing a house is wrong or is it because society has in some greater way made that decision. Now, it that is the case, I am ok with it. I want to live a happy life, one without grief, pain, inconvenience so I, along with most others accept what society has led us to believe is right or wrong, but where do we draw the line? Who in the end gets to say what is right or wrong? Why is it that this always seems to come down to morals and values, and if that is the case who sets these morals and values. Again, it stems from what we were raised with and what we were led to believe as children. Was the church brainwashing us? Were they in some twisted way ensuring that our parents, like their parents, and their parents before them forcing their religion on us, and trying to twist our minds to thinking that if you didn't say grace before dinner, or say the Lord's prayer before school we would be sent to hell. Isnt that a scary thought? Not about going to hell, but that someone would threaten your children or try and brainwash your children into thinking or believing that. That is fucked up. Don't kids have enough on their plates these days than to have to worry about what happens when they die?

People... when we die....we die. Circle of life, evolution, we become the fertilizer in the earth that creates life elsewhere and evolution goes on. Do I or should I care what happens after I take my last breath. Not a chance. That would drive me freaking insane trying to prevent something that I have absolutely no control over. I have often thought about what it means to someone that is religious to have to come to grips with the thoughts and facts about what will happen to them when they die. That is mind boggling to me that people actually waste time in their daily routines thinking or worrying about this. Isnt life confusing enough without adding this into the mix?

You often hear people say they are a christian or that they practice christianity and I wonder at times what it is that defines that? Do I really need to know. Does it mean that I must be a good person, or practice good morals and good judgement. If that is the case then I guess I am a christian as well. I am a good person, I certainly have morals, and I have good judgement in regards to my fellow human beings. What I don't do is go to church on Sunday, I don't have to read a book to be a good person. I think that whatever I do in life is governed by me and not because of something I read or am brainwashed into thinking is right or wrong.

Then next time you say the phrases... "Thank God that happened," or "Goddammit, will you stop that" or when someone sneezes you automatically say "Bless you". Think about why you are saying these things. Do you really believe that some percieved higher being will bring good fortune on you because you thanked him? Do you believe that when you say Goddammit, that you really want God to damn this person? This is so ingrained into our society and our way of thinking that we say these things, not because we believe them but more that it has been brainwashed into us. I for one do not like this and I applaud the fact that children do not have to say the Lord's prayer before school starts, or that they are taking religion out of so many things that are part of our lives. If we are becoming a society of political correctness then I am all for it.

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